Kindle Dating Site
Some Kindle questions from readers:
Q1. How do I turn off the annoying Kindle singles crap that takes up half of my Kindle’s screen?!
Menu -> Settings -> Device options -> Personalize your Kindle -> Advanced Options -> Cover View Recommendations -> Off
Q2. Can I get rid of recomendations, they are way off?!
Jan 02, 2012 Accepted Kindle Singles are published using the Kindle Direct Publishing platform, which means that the author earns royalties on each sale. Kindle Singles must have list prices between $0.99 and $4.99, and authors can choose the 70% royalty option for their accepted titles, even when the list price is below $2.99. Kindle Singles Will Bring Novellas, Chapbooks and Pamphlets to E-Readers Amazon is announcing that a new kind of content will soon join books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs in the Kindle store. Kindle Singles will have a length somewhere between a novel and a short story. According to Amazon, the length will be 'twice the length of a New Yorker feature or as much as a few chapters of a.
While you are at it, you can also turn off Special Offers Recommendations:
Menu -> Settings -> Device options -> Personalize your Kindle -> Advanced Options -> Special Offers -> Special Offers Recommendations -> Off
Q3. Can I fit more books/lists on my kindle home screen? The book covers take up a LOT of room 🙁
Amazon Kindle Singles Program
Kindle Singles Submission
Certainly, switch your Kindle over to List View!
Pof Dating App For Kindle
Tap the Menu button (horizontal ) at the top right -> List View
I hope this helps! -J.D.